e-views: ISSUE 6 - October 2000: "
Issue 1 - February 2000 APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY
Presentation by Neil Ford and Graham Ashford of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Winnipeg, Canada
January 18, 2000; CAIDC, Hull
Issue 7: May 2001 Experience with Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in Yunnan, China
Issue 6: October 2000 Farmers Take the Lead: The New Options for Pest Management Project
Issue 5: September 2000 People's Voices: Development Programming through a Poverty Lens
Issue 4: July 2000 Seeds of Fire: Social Development in the Era of Globalism
Issue 3: May 2000 - Gender and Organisational Change
Issue 2: April 2000 Participation at the World Bank
Issue 1: February 2000- Appreciative Inquiry
e-mail: pdforum@pdforum.org - www.pdforum.org
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Generally, development agencies use approaches such as Participatory Rural Appraisal, Participatory Learning and Action, and ZOPP workshops to search for, identify, - and therefore emphasize - community problems. They generate volumes of data that provide great detail on the origins and consequences of local needs and resource constraints. Interventions to address the problems are then developed, usually with the input of the local community. At the conclusion of such an approach, local people, not surprisingly, often view their community as a place full of problems and needs, most of which require the help of outsiders to overcome. Appreciative inquiry focuses on a community's achievements rather tha"
la fundación es una organización sin fines de lucro que se propone contribuir al mejoramiento de la la vida de las personas, organizaciones y comunidades
Como organización forma parte de una Red Internacional que reúne personas y grupos de Francia, Alemania, Suiza, España, Brasil, Colombia, que promueve la Economía Solidaria, el Desarrollo Social Local, la Salud Comunitaria, el abordaje colaborativo de los conflictos, los Diálogos Públicos y las formas creativas de abordar los desencuentros humanos
Podrán visualizar más en detalle algunas de estas dimensiones en nuestro site: www.moiru.com.ar
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